Driving towards

justice for victims of

defective vehicles

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry

John D.

John D.

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      Lemon Law vs. Manufacturer’s Warranty: Navigating the Differences in California

      Jun 21, 2023

      Is it Necessary for a Car to Be Under Warranty to Qualify Under Lemon Law? If your car is defective...

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      California Lemon Laws for Motorcycles: Know Your Rights as a Rider

      Jun 20, 2023

      Does California Lemon Law Apply to Motorcycles? For many bikers, constantly tinkering on their ride...

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      Lemon Laws and Electric Cars: Understanding Consumer Protections in California

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      How Many Electric Cars Are There in California? Our beautiful state of California is home to the va...

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      Defective Vehicle Laws: Steps to Take When You Discover a Vehicle Defect

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      What Qualifications Must a Defective Vehicle Meet to Be Covered Under California Lemon Law? Not all...

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      Defective Vehicle Recalls: How Laws Ensure Prompt Resolutions

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      When is a Vehicle Recall Deemed Necessary? Sometimes the issues with a car’s design or the auto p...

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      What is Auto Fraud? It’s unfortunate, but the common trope of car buyers getting taken advantage ...

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      The Lemon Law and Used Cars: What You Need to Know in California

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      What Does California Lemon Law Say About Used Cars? Not everyone can afford to buy a brand-new car....

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      Lemon Laws for Leased Vehicles in California: Your Rights and Protections

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      Did You Unknowingly Lease a Lemon? For car owners looking to own or lease a new vehicle, they have ...

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      California Lemon Laws: Understanding the Threshold for Vehicle Defects

      Jun 13, 2023

      When is a Defective Car Considered a Lemon? When we buy or lease a car, we understand that there is...

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